Heavy vehicle registration quote
Select the date:
Select a vehicle group:
Select the type of vehicle:
TRUC - Truck (incl Van/cab)
TRTT - Truck (trac)-short
TRTM - Truck (trac)-med
TRRT - Truck (road Train)
Select the purpose of use:
Show body shapes?:   YESNO
Select the type of engine:
Select the number of cylinders/rotors:
Select the type of fuel:
Enter vehicle GVM weight (kg):
Enter the number of axle groups for the primary vehicle ONLY:
Enter the number of axles in axle group 1:
Enter the distance between the axles in group 1:
Enter the number of axles in group 2:
Enter the distance between the axles in group 2:
Select a concession:
Enter a dutiable value ($):
Select the plate type:
New Personalised/Customised Number Plate
No Plate Required
Select the pay mode required:
Common Due Date
Select the relief type required:
Select the pay term required:
3 Months
6 Months
12 Months
Select the CTP class:
15 - Mobile machinery and fire engines
5 - Vintage
6 - Light commercial with GVM of 4.5t or less
7 - Heavy commercial with GVM of more than 4.5t
CTP insurer selected:
Select the input tax credits entitlement (ITCE): YESNO