Health professional notification of medical condition

About this service

This service allows a health professional to notify the Department of Transport and Main Roads (the department) when a patient currently holds, or is applying for or renewing, a driver licence, and the health professional believes the patient will:

  • Not notify the department of their medical condition; and/or
  • Not comply with the recommended conditions/restrictions; and/or
  • Continue to drive despite advice not to.

The medical condition may be:
  • Any permanent or long term medical condition; or
  • Any permanent or long term increase in, or aggravation of, a medical condition that the patient has previously advised the department about.

The health professional is not required to notify the department if the patient's medical condition is temporary.

A health professional is:

  • A doctor (that is, a medical practitioner); or
  • A person registered under the Occupational Therapists Registration Act 2001 or a corresponding law to that Act; or
  • A person registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law to practise in the optometry profession, or the physiotherapy profession, other than as a student.

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