Apply for traffic controller accreditation

About this service

This service allows you to submit a new application for traffic controller accreditation.

To become an accredited traffic controller, you must:

  • complete an approved traffic controller training course
  • have held an open or provisional driver licence in the last 5 years in Queensland, interstate or overseas.

Find out more about traffic controller accreditations

This service can't be used if you:

  • have not had held an open or provisional driver licence in the last 5 years
  • have never had your photo taken for a Queensland driver licence or other industry authority product
  • need to have a new photo taken (your photo must be valid for the full period of your accreditation)
  • have a medical condition which requires certification from a doctor or optometrist
  • already hold a traffic controller accreditation (renewals can't done online)
  • already applied and are waiting for your application to be processed or finalised
  • are applying on behalf of an organisation—only individuals are eligible to apply.

What happens after I apply?

Your application may take up to 6 weeks to be assessed, as we must conduct background checks such as criminal history and traffic history.

You can sign up for e-reminders to receive an email when your application has been approved.

If you have your email address recorded with us, we'll let you know when your card has been posted.

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