To view the latest condition report for an Excess Mass or Dimension Permit, enter the permit number.
To view all conditions in effect for a date range, enter the start and end date. |
To view conditions added or changed since a date, enter the date. |
To further refine the condition report complete the following. |
To view conditions based around dimensions, please enter the dimensions. |
To view mass conditions as well, please tick the check box. |
To include a route or district, please search for and add roads or district. |
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To view permanent, short-term or temporary conditions only, please select the type of condition from the drop down. |
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Disclaimer: The conditions and restrictions outlined in this Conditions of Operation report have been compiled from the most recent information practically available. Conditions are liable to change quickly, particularly due to weather. All care has been taken in providing this information. However, due care still needs to be taken when operating vehicles, particularly those in excess of regulation mass and/or dimension. |